Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in life. What do you think are the reasons for this? Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

In recent years, having children later has become an increasingly popular trend. There are several reasons for
phenomenon, and I believe it has some obvious drawbacks for each family and the future employees in our community. There are two main reasons why more young adults choose against having children when they are in the beginning stage of their careers.
of embarking on parenthood at an early age, modern women are likely to pursue tertiary education and want to move up their career ladder. If they got married and had a baby, the working mothers would find difficulties splitting their time to devote to working and taking care of their offspring.
, the young childless families may have a strong feeling of self-enjoyment. It allows them to prefer enjoying their life rather than raising children.
For example
, modern women are apt to take care of their bodies and socialize with their friends better than nurture a child.
On the other hand
, delaying giving birth is no longer every family‘s private affair, but
it strongly affects the nation's
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tendency negatively influences old parents and their future kids when the wives decide to have pregnancies. In fact, after 35 years of age, mothers may tackle the danger of having a miscarriage or delivering the baby difficultly.
, if there is an easy delivery of the mothers, the babies are prone to having Down‘s syndrome.
As a result
can negatively affect the quality of the future productive workforce. In conclusion, there are some reasons that many people tend to delay having a baby in their life.
might negatively impact each family and our society at large.
Submitted by dorisngo1497 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • prioritization
  • financial stability
  • educational prospects
  • personal development
  • health advancements
  • fertility options
  • economic uncertainties
  • parenthood
  • societal norms
  • life experience
  • generational gap
  • upbringing
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