Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or working a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Learning a foreign language is commonly done nowadays. Some people claim that the only reason behind
phenomenon is travelling or working abroad,
others envision that there are other reasons behind it.
essay will discuss in the following paragraphs both views
as well as
why I personally think that gaining knowledge about different languages is driven by multiple factors.
, learning non-native dialects
Correct subject-verb agreement
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travelling and working overseas. Many people face hardships
visiting foreign countries,
as racism or difficulties
communicating with others.
That is
the reason why it is crucial to have at least minimal education about the spoken dialect of the country visited. To illustrate
, learning Italian has made my recent experience in Italy much easier than when I visited it in the past.
, it is beneficial to seek linguistic knowledge before attending foreign countries.
, the reason listed above is not the only motivation behind learning non-native languages. Studying English, when it's not the mother tongue,
for example
, has many advantages because it's the first international language in the world.
latter can be useful in scientific research,
for instance
, as the vast majority of articles are written in English to target the largest number of people.
, enriching our linguistic background facilitates understanding of knowledge available online, which offers us a larger view of the world. To summarize, I personally claim that there are multiple reasons behind studying non-native languages and I think that at least two different ones should be introduced at an early age into children's education because they will benefit from them in the future.
Submitted by fatimazahra.kanbar on

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Provide more specific examples to support your points.
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Ensure that each paragraph connects logically to the next one, providing a clear and cohesive flow of ideas.
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