In many countries today, crimes novels and TV crimes dramas are becoming more and more popular. Why do you think these books and TV show are popular? What is your opinion of crime fiction and TV crime dramas?

Nowadays, TV shows related to crimes and drama have sparked many debates, as they become more popular day by day.
I believe that these
have diverse effects on our society, I
assume that the producers of
utilise technological methods that attract people and make them feel curious about knowing more.
, the viewers got attracted by the exaggerated suspense scenes in these stories that sometimes are related to real life, so folk feel curious about watching more to be satisfied.
, they are considered a fundamental way for entertainment regardless of what they produce, as they have their own methods to grab the attention of individuals.
For instance
, some
make massive profits while being shown in the cinema,
they introduce a lot of violence. I believe that scenes have obviously negative impacts on folks and society. Watching
violent dramas exhort myriads of people to conduct crimes and break the law.
In addition
, due to the malleable nature of our youngsters, the more they watch the more they can absorb, so parents must censor the content.
For example
. If children tend to see myriads of violence,
will lead them to depression and loss of trust in individuals. To conclude, many
take place in almost every house because they are considered the main factor for entertainment, but they still have contentious issues, because of the negativity that people are exposed to. In my opinion, they have devastating impacts on our lives and we must prohibit these violent scenes.
Submitted by rehameldweik on

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