In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people. Why might be the case? Do you think this is a positve or negative situation?

It is no doubt that the economy plays a critical part in the society of human beings. Of all types of properties, the house acts as a pivotal one. Some people harbour a strong belief that having their own living places would be more advantageous than renting one. In
essay, I will detail the possible reasons and my opinion against
of all, one of the main arguments is the traditional concepts of the culture. Children in some nations are imparted by their families that owning cosy and spacious places is regarded as a life achievement. In Taiwan, a great number of citizens will endeavour to buy apartments due to the urge of their parents
they haven’t worked for years or have little deposits.
situation can be attributed to the inflation at present time. Take Taiwan as a salient example, over the past decades, residents have seen an incredibly skyrocketing in prices particularly those of real estate. Considering
situation, people will purchase new-built buildings as fair investments. At the other end of the spectrum, personally, I am inclined to consider
condition to be detrimental.
, health conditions might be damaged. In terms of extremely exorbitant expenditure, people tend to engage in burdensome occupations to make more profits.
, the job contents are accompanied by tremendous stress, which might result in mental diseases
as melancholia.
, the freedom of everyone to allocate their savings should be secured. Even though a whole new building is lucrative nowadays, an individual could still spend money on their preferences.
For instance
, some gracious men prioritize assisting needy persons,
, they will devote their fortune to benevolent organizations
as the Red Cross, which always calls for donations from the public. To sum up, even though there are definitely some merits in investing house, it could still foster a vicious cycle potentially.
, just as the proverb goes, you only live once.
, I still hold faith that the liberty of distributing money should still be allowed without the interference of conceptions or the economy.
Submitted by ccgoabroad on

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