contemporary era, the masses have vastly acknowledged the importance of the economical progress and development of the financial basis of the country. Linking Words
some people argue that education is as significant as the economy, I contend that it is relatively more beneficial to care about the wealth of a nation.
To commence, myriad positive outcomes are associated with the notion that the economy is crucial when it comes to the happiness and self-assurance of citizens. To expound, the lack of effectiveness in other spheres including education is directly connected with the scarcity of resources. To prove Linking Words
statement, the eminent example of it is that Linking Words
according to
Bloomberg research, in developing countries the average results of exams are worse than in developed states even if students of the first one pay more attention and time to study. The observation Linking Words
revealed that the quality of the material is proportionally better as the price is higher.
Moving Linking Words
, there is a main reason why some individuals claim that a proper educational system can lead to equality among more wealthy parts of society. Linking Words
, the statement is barely true with an argument based on the fact that rich people can afford more advanced literature and more qualified specialists. Linking Words
For example
, more affluent countries are able to afford a decent education for everyone regardless of their status in society. Linking Words
in underprivileged nations not only modern materials but Linking Words
essential pieces of equipment are not available or available only in private schools which Linking Words
as a result
will make the span among social layers bigger and bigger.
Linking Words
To conclude
, the main stumbling block behind poor schooling correlates with economical growth. In my opinion, there is no doubt that paying attention to the issue of money could make an enormous contribution to the flourishing future.Linking Words