Nowadays, a growing number of people with health problems are trying alternative medicines and treatment instead of visiting their usual doctor. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

These days, a number of individuals with health issues are trying medicines to recover without visiting a doctor. In my opinion, acquiring medicine without advice from a doctor is a negative development and
will lead to dangerous consequences. the community are used to trying alternative medicine as they are always in rush to earn money and with private life.
, consuming tablets is not a way of caring about themselves but ruining it.
, I agree with the statement that folks should go to the expert who can help them
of using their own methods.
For example
, if someone will eat a pill but does not know about its dangerous effects, that would be a much more problem to solve.
, the population have an excuse that they can not afford specialist ,
, being not able to pay for health care and being greedy has a much difference.
, being careless about health and eating tablets which you are not familiar with, will be the issue that folks can not avoid in the future. I agree that consumers should think about themselves first
of saving their money.
For instance
, the population under the age of 23, have more dilemmas with consuming the wrong medicine than elders. In conclusion, people should see doctors before getting treatments which will affect them for their entire life.
, recovering with advising of the doctors have much more effective than using individual ways and kids should not be forced by parents in consuming dose which is really dangerous for their future life.
Submitted by sherzod5574485 on

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