It is important for children to learn what is right and what is wrong at any early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn the distinction. To what extent do you agree? What sort of punishment should be given?

Children are the future of the nation.
, it is a crucial factor in the learning methods of good and bad things in their lives. Some people believe that punishment is crucial to correct their bad habits and behaviours. I completely disagree with
conviction. In
essay, I will discuss it in detail by providing relevant examples and will illustrate some acceptable punishments which do not harm teenagers’ futures worst. To commence with, punishment is not the only approach to teach juveniles about their inappropriate behaviours
as well as
it is a completely outdated technique.
For example
, most researchers have revealed that the majority of youngsters who were subjected to any kind of penalty have converted not only into disruptive but
have badly affected their physical and mental health.
, the continuous penalty may reduce the development of their skills
as decision-making, interpersonal skills, etc. To deal with
phenomenon with a good approach, it is an essential requirement of paying more attention to
regard to parents and teachers.
, rewarding good behaviour in front of others is a proper way to motivate of doing more appropriate activities among youngsters.
, parents and teachers can share their life experiences with juveniles in order to learn to separate right things from wrong by analyzing the activity and the results of adults. If it is necessary to punish a particular activity of children, they can be punished with life-learning activities
as participating in household chores, ordering them to help others, etc.
To conclude
, punishment is not the only move to treat youngsters, and it may affect their physical and mental health. Rewarding for good behaviours and sharing life experiences with children are some of the best ways to teach appropriate things
of penalties.
Submitted by jds.sampath on

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