Nowadays, more and more people engage in dangerous activities, such as sky diving and motorcycling. Are you in favor of them? Use examples to support your opinion.

There is a trend that many more people tend to join some dangerous outdoor tasks. In my opinion, it is a doable way for the public to enhance their confidence and social connections.
, participating in some risky businesses
as sky diving and motorcycling may push the public's personal boundaries.
That is
to say, by doing these exercises, individuals can overcome their fears and mental barriers, leading to personal growth and increased self-confidence. One example is that if a person has a severe fear of heights, skydiving training may help him overcome his fear of heights and make him more capable of coping with difficulties and stress in his daily life. To put it simply, adventure tasks help folks break through themselves and improve confidence levels. If a person can do something that he or she could not do before, his or her self-assurance will definitely increase.
, high-risk tasks provide a chance for citizens to maintain their social connections. To make it clear, getting involved in these events promotes social interaction and builds strong connections with like-minded folks.
For instance
, people with similar interests are more likely to become friends and uphold
friendships because they share hobbies.
, doing these actions can provide a sense of stimulation
that is
often lacking in daily life.
can refresh human beings, relieve stress, and perhaps play a role in pursuing social relationships.
, engaging in thrill activities often increases awareness about safety and risk management, which can be beneficial in everyday life.
To sum up
people may have varying opinions, I am convinced that outdoor action sports can be promoted, as it brings many benefits not only for the public but
towards society.
Submitted by bubblehead1213 on

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task achievement
Your essay is well-organized and demonstrates a clear understanding of the topic. However, try to include more specific examples to strengthen your arguments.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that your paragraphs are equally developed to maintain a balanced response. Your second paragraph could benefit from additional details and examples.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, providing a solid framework for your arguments.
task achievement
You have used appropriate language to clearly express your ideas, making the essay easy to read and understand.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Adrenaline rush
  • Thrill-seeker
  • Personal growth
  • Self-confidence
  • Social interaction
  • Like-minded individuals
  • Skill development
  • Concentration
  • Coordination
  • Discipline
  • Risk management
  • Safety awareness
  • Mental barriers
  • Challenge
  • Stress-relieving
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