You are currently doing a diploma course at a college, but you need to take a week off during this course. Write a letter to the college Principal. In your letter give details of your course explain why you need a week off say what you want the Principal to do
Dear Sir or Madam My name is James Read, and I am currently attending the hospitality management diploma
as a final-year student at your esteemed culinary institute. I am supposed to finish the Use synonyms
in the next four months if everything goes to schedule. I am writing Use synonyms
letter to request some time off from Linking Words
Linking Words
from 14th of August to 20th of August as I need to leave the town for a week in order to take my seriously ill and old aunt to the capital city of our country immediately for better treatment. By the way, my aunt does not have any children or a husband who could actually help her during Use synonyms
kind of desperate situation. Of Linking Words
, I tried to approach the respectable chairman of my Use synonyms
, but he referred me to ,you since he does not really have the authority to grant any leave to anyone at Use synonyms
critical and important stage of the Linking Words
for Use synonyms
a long period. Linking Words
, I would like to request you to ask the chairman of my Linking Words
to consider my situation favourably and grant me leave for the stipulated period of time mentioned above. I will be much obliged for your kindness. Yours faithfully, James ReadUse synonyms
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Structure your letter
A letter needs to be written using a proper format, including the following:
- A greeting (Dear sir/madam, Dear John, Dear Mr. Smith)
- The main body (consisting of paragraphs for each part of the letter)
- A closing (Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully, Best wishes, Kind regards, Love)
When writing a letter as part of the IELTS General Training Writing Task 1, it is important to include the bullet points presented to you in the question.
All three bullet points need to be presented. And remember that some bullet points contain more than one element. So, make sure to watch for ‘and’ and plurals.