Even though organic fruits and vegetables are more expensive than conventional fruits and vegetables, they are worth the extra cost. Do you agree or disagree?

In recent decades, organic
tend to have higher price tags than conventionally cultivated crops in most nations. Whether organic foods ought to be certainly more expensive than conventional fruits has been hotly debated. In my opinion, since the organic ones require significant efforts and care to grow, I agree with
view which requests an extra cost.
essay will discuss
issue by using examples to support ideas and demonstrate points. On the one hand, it is undoubtedly true that farmers endeavour to look after organic fruits and vegetables considering hygienic ways to harvest from the beginning to the end of
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the cultivation
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, as it does not include chemical substances, it is comparatively suitable for extraordinary individuals
as toddlers or children who are vulnerable to chemicals.
For example
, if adolescents absorb even a small amount of pesticide, it leads to severe illnesses
as asthma at an early age.
due to
extra care and hygiene aspects, it
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is worth
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taking an extra cost.
On the other hand
, it is admittedly difficult for individuals to catch a difference in taste between organic and conventional crops.
In addition
, some scientists suggest that the fact that
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the nutrition
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level among two types of fruits is significantly similar or
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the same
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has been proved through laboratory experiments.
For example
, an experiment shows that when people try
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both types of foods closing their eyes, the people on blind tests did not recognise a taste difference between them.
, organic foods should not necessarily require a higher price than conventional
. In conclusion, even though it does not have a big difference,
which are looked after with extra care are suitable for special dietary requirements and safe consumption.
, the
need to be expensive because of these factors.
Submitted by mix5777 on

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