Tropical and sub-tropical climates are two different environments. We can find hotness in the southern part of our world.
, we can find the subtropical climates in the northern part of the world. These are two distinct environments. There are few people who are willing to live in tropical environments and others like to live in a sub-tropical zone. Linking Words
essay will discuss both views and will provide reasons why hotter places are better.
Tropical areas are hot. Regions like India, and Pakistan have hot temperatures. Population in these regions experience temperatures above 40 degrees centigrade most of the time. Linking Words
For example
, in ,India winter happens only in the month of December and during other months it is hot. People who live here prefer to live in Linking Words
. Correct article usage
the cold
is because the population want to have the experience and is sick of the heat.
Subtropical conditions are cold. Countries like Canada and Finland have colder temperatures. These countries have longer winters when compared to other countries. Linking Words
For instance
, in Linking Words
winter lasts from the month of September to the month of April. People who live there experience conditions that are below zero degrees centigrade. Add a comma
folks want to live in humidity.
Linking Words
To conclude
, folks who want to live in hot situations and cold situations mostly depend on the country they belong to. The population who are born in colder places prefer to live in hotter places and others who are born in hotter communities want to live in colder areas. Linking Words
, the decision of where to live completely depends on the individual.Linking Words