Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Many people are living in countries, different from their native ones, and often they don'
speak the language of that state.
, it can bring them a lot of problems, linked with their inability to understand the surrounding atmosphere. I strongly agree with that statement. Not speaking the same tongue as the rest of the people at the place where you live can be a big problem, even offence to those whom you try to speak to.
For example
, my mother-in-law is living in the UK but she can'
understand a single word in English. In spite of
, she was able to find friends from Bulgaria and now they are somehow a union in
foreign country.
, it is impossible for her to integrate among the natives, simply because she doesn'
know how to communicate with them. ,
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you can'
be a member of society if you don'
know their mother tongue. On the other side, there is no way for a person to understand all the laws in
state, it is very hard not to break them,
due to
the fact, he or she is not used to them and can'
learn about them.
For instance
, they (my mother-in-law and her boyfriend) have lots of tickets because they can'
read the signs on the streets or in the parking lots. And they are not keen to develop their skills in
area as they feel the comfort of their native surroundings.
As a result
, they are not part of the system and are always having practical problems. In conclusion, I do believe that learning a new language is not as easy as a child's play, but is,
, necessary if you want to fit in in your new world.
Submitted by delulcheva on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • linguistic proficiency
  • cross-cultural communication
  • miscommunication
  • social integration
  • linguistic alienation
  • cultural dissonance
  • language acquisition
  • communication breakdown
  • interpreter services
  • language courses
  • bilingualism
  • multilingualism
  • language barrier
  • effective communication
  • cultural assimilation
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