Some people think that people are responsible for their happiness ,while others feel that happiness depends on other factors. Discuss both views and give your opinion

Attaining and retaining a sense of
is a lifelong dream for many
, whether it comes from within or without has been a matter of debate in recent years. In my view, everyone should take on the responsibility of their
. There are various reasons why some
attach great significance to external elements.
, it seems logical to attribute our happy moments to our interpersonal relationships. Once
have built transparent and healthy relations with their family members, friends and neighbours, they get supported when facing the ups and downs of life,
overcoming troubles and leading a satisfying life.
, our family conditions and socio-economic background
play a big part. If someone is born into an impoverished family or broken home,
for instance
, their chances of feeling happy decline dramatically. Given these arguments, it is hardly surprising to see so many
feel traumatized not because of their own fault. I,
, would place utmost importance on our individual choices as far as contentment is concerned. Even though there are many
who have outside sources of emotional support,
due to
their religious and gender-related issues, they cannot achieve inner peace and personal satisfaction. Some,
on the other hand
, struggle to interact and bond with their fellow counterparts, but they do not allow their bad social skills and poor relationships to interfere with their feelings.
, learning “
skills”, including but not limited to meditation, generosity, gratitude and mindfulness often enables
to feel content, even if they live in a perpetual state of poverty. Clearly, it is we who are accountable for our emotions. In conclusion, though several outside factors contribute greatly to how
feel, their sense of
is predominantly determined by their own actions. It is always much better to shoulder the responsibility as opposed to delegating it to others.
Submitted by ieltsteaching0 on

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