The advancement in technology is remarkable over the past decade, but it comes
along with
a downside effect towards the environment and the general health of a living being. It is notable that there is an increasing trend in Linking Words
affected Use synonyms
due to
the frequency generated by cell phone towers. I firmly agree with the above statement ad Linking Words
essay will explain the reasons supporting my views.
To commence with, there are many reasons which contribute to Linking Words
incidents. Linking Words
, the flying creature is sensitive towards their surrounding noses, and Linking Words
feature is mainly used to communicate among their groups. When electronic waves are despatched as an adverse effect on Linking Words
, Use synonyms
as a consequence
it affects their behaviour and put them in unbearable pain. Linking Words
, Linking Words
due to
Linking Words
Linking Words
there will be a huge downfall in the growth of specific species of Add a comma
, which attract more birder and tourists. Use synonyms
as, an incident which took place 4 years ago in Vendanthagal, India widely known for its bird sanctuary had faced fewer visitors to bird watch Linking Words
due to
an incomplete migration of Linking Words
which was mainly caused Use synonyms
due to
high signals as many of them were found dead during transit.
Linking Words
, prolonging Linking Words
a situation will result in no more feathered creatures on planet Earth, which will bring a pessimistic impact on the food chain. As the primary food of most Linking Words
are insects, and if there are no flying creatures to feast on them it will bring in a large change in the ecosystem. Use synonyms
, in order to bring Linking Words
situation under control the government must get involved to prohibit Linking Words
towers which generate high electric waves, as there can be other alternatives. Linking Words
For instance
, ministry officers can set up a new department to supervise and inspect Linking Words
places to confirm the frequency at a low rate and impose find if the organisation does bid to the rules and regulations.
Linking Words
To conclude
, it is undeniably true that magnetic frequencies from cell pillars cause damage to other fowls. In my opinion, with the help of legal authorities and responsible behaviour from every individual and aid to address Linking Words
issue immediately. As it is our responsibility to transfer a healthy environment to the next generation.Linking Words