“ Many people think that men should go out to work while women’s place is in the home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”

It is often argued that men should be the breadwinner who should go out to work and earn money for all the incomes of the families and women should stay home and look after the whole family.
, I fundamentally disagree with the given notion.
To begin
with, before the
second world war
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Second World War
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, the labour force was dominated by males. Female workers could find very little area in the job market to work but during and after the second world war producers needed a massive amount of Human Resources to keep their businesses running. Because menfolk were serving in the military services. They started to hire female workers especially, in the USA.
was the first time when the female workers had shown they
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do the same job.
, over a few decades, females have become more qualified and they started to penetrate higher positions . Some people thought that women have more physical weakness than men and that prevented them
to do
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from doing
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jobs which require physical endurance.
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, that opinion is old-fashioned and completely wrong. Work like driving,loading and unloading of goods was only meant to be done by gentlemen but now ladies
can do these jobs effortlessly and effectively.
, wrestling was unlikely to
Wrong verb form
be done
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by females before but no wonder women have made themselves capable enough to fit in that criteria. In conclusion, In today's world
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gender role is becoming an important aspect of everybody's life.it is true that both are equally capable of doing things.
, giving them equal opportunity can make them competent individuals in the workforce.
Submitted by sharmap1811 on

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