Many people believe there should be a curfew law so that people under the age of 18 are not out past midnight. To what extent do you agree or disagree.

The debate surrounding curfew laws for minors is a complex and nuanced topic as they still require adult supervision. Despite the obvious appeal of implementing the law, there are some factors that need to be considered.
essay will discuss the arguments in favour and against the law, and why I disagree with the implementation.
, on the one hand, many people argue that a curfew can ensure the safety of society.
For instance
, the less they are on the streets during late-night hours, the less exposure they will get from potential criminal activities,
as substance abuse, and gang involvement. And
, a restriction may deter or prevent those risky behaviours.
, supporters assert that limiting their public time may contribute to better academic performance.
For example
, the less they spend time outside at night, the more sleep and rest they will get, which can lead to more focus and concentration.
on the other hand
, it can be said, that by restricting them, we are denying their rights as an individual.
For instance
, everyone should have the autonomy to make a decision in regard to their leisure activities.
, by agreeing to the limitation, not only do we not recognise them as a person, but
subject them to unnecessary rules.
, there can
be a risk of racial profiling, which can contribute to the false criminalisation of certain ethnicity and groups.
can lead to more problems
as discrimination and injustice. And for that reason, I believe,
rule is problematic to apply.
To conclude
, in spite of the benefits,
as a reduction of night-time crimes and better academic grades for teens, from the proposed restriction, the downfall of doing so cannot be overlooked. By limiting their time, we are denying their freedom of rights.
, there could be certain characters that are potentially discriminated against,
, applying it would require certain considerations.
Submitted by meliarizkina86 on

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