Some people think cities are the best place to live. Others prefer to live in the countryside . Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

People have different views of living places.
some population among the mass choose to live in cities, there are others who want to spend their lives in the countryside. In
essay, I will look at the pros and cons, aspects of living in a large and crowded town compared to
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non-urban areas and draw a reasoned conclusion based on my ideas. On the one hand , a group of society prefer to live in cities
due to
the benefits. Urban areas are believed to come with modern facilities and conveniences.It is not difficult for citizens to find education centres, food or entertainment and all kinds of facilities
as shopping malls, universities, cinemas, hospitals and restaurants.
, urban industries and companies offer huge opportunities to professionals and entrepreneurs
means no concern about unemployment for its residents.
On the other hand
, some folk think that the best place to live is in a rural area. It is believed that inhabitants who live in these areas have a healthier life because they breathe fresher air, they eat more hygienic and natural fruits and vegetables and they live in a more relaxed and quiet environment.
As a result
, their life expectancy is longer than those who live in cities or towns.
, the tranquillity maintained is another positive feature of rural habitation.
, the family and social bonds in villages are known to be more concrete. Separations on the basis of urban gizmos like communalism and social status are seldom there. In conclusion, living in the city or the
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has its own positive and negative sides, and it depends on the preference of each individual. I personally choose to live in the city area to enhance my career and plan to live in the countryside when I retire.
Submitted by [email protected] on

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