TheCorrect article usage
show examples
number of
argueChange the verb form
show examples
that these days there is no
aboutChange preposition
show examples
their ancient culture,
it has been stated that protecting the traditional
ofChange preposition
show examples
life, especially the ones that
relatedAdd a missing verb
show examples
to their country, is
vital. I think that individuals should not forget their
ancestorsChange to a genitive case
show examples
traditions and customs.
On one hand, one group of
believe that the interest
ofChange preposition
show examples
knowing about the past has been demolished.
, we live in a global
with the improvement of
relationshipFix the agreement mistake
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
around the
. Because of
the Remove the article
show examples
some improvements in transportation between different countries and even between
, visitors and local
have some interacts and relationship together.
, India, which is a country with
millionCorrect article usage
show examples
tourists per year, has changed significantly during the past few decades. Indian citizens used to wear Sari
inChange preposition
show examples
occasionsChange to a singular noun
show examples
, but because of
the Correct article usage
show examples
European and American tourists, the way of wearing clothes among them
haveCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
significantly changed.
, technology, especially the internet has contributed the countries to
aChange the article
show examples
unmixed, uniformed and united
. In order to
thatAdd a missing verb
show examples
, some special
as genes, cultural habits and
Correct article usage
show examples
colorChange the spelling
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of skin would not have a
result in
's desires and
, another group of
think that the culture and
customFix the agreement mistake
show examples
of every single country must be protected and continued by their citizens. There are some cultural occasions
ceremonies, celebrations and
, which are important for the local citizens of every
regionsChange to a singular noun
show examples
, In Iran, we celebrate the new year with the initial days of the spring and we have some customs to
heldWrong verb form
show examples
it in our way. If these kinds of old and traditional events
haveWrong verb form
show examples
been forgotten, they would have
been Unnecessary verb
show examples
fewCorrect article usage
show examples
centuries. I think that older generations should determine
adequateAdd an article
show examples
amount of time to teach these innate and
traditions and cultures to the next generation, in order to
them from disappearing.
In conclusion, because of the improvement in technology and the transportation facilities
airplaneFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, nowadays we live in an unmixed and
uniformedReplace the word
show examples
without any differences among
with different cultures.
, I believe that old there
be some solutions to protect the traditional way of living and our
ancestorsChange to a genitive case
show examples
customs from demolishing.