In many countries, most shops and products become identical. Some people think it is a positive development, while others believe it is a negative development. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

In the contemporary era, numerous countries witness a proliferation of uniformity in their shops and
. Supporters perceive
trend as advantageous,
critics regard it as detrimental.
essay will delve into both perspectives and furnish illustrative instances, culminating with my own viewpoint. On one hand, the ubiquity of similar shops and
presents several merits. Primarily, it bolsters accessibility and convenience. Consider the example of 7-Eleven stores; their standardized displays across various locations allow customers to swiftly locate their desired items, significantly reducing time consumption.
, it cultivates heightened competition, resulting in lower prices and an array of choices for consumers.
For instance
, competitors offer distinct mobile phones with comparable functionalities but at competitive prices.
, it is evident that these advantages expand the array of choices available to customers.
, there exist adverse aspects that warrant consideration. One instance involves the potential erosion of cultural diversity.
For example
, the modern Korean clothing style
Wrong verb form
has gained
show examples
traction in numerous Asian nations, leading to the gradual disappearance of their traditional attire.
, the pervasive uniformity of
and stores might curtail individual choices. An evident illustration lies in the clothing industry, where the lack of tailoring to specific cultural norms could result in the loss of certain traditional clothing styles.
, the negative aspects should not be overlooked. In summary, I advocate for a balanced approach, considering both perspectives. Personally, I contend that a balance should be struck, as certain
like mobile phones offer tangible benefits to consumers,
clothing may not be an ideal candidate for standardization. In the near future, increased awareness among businesses regarding customer-centric views may afford people more options, aligning with their individual needs when selecting
Submitted by kokozay on

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task response
Provide more detailed examples to further support your points.
coherence and cohesion
Ensure a clear and consistent flow of ideas throughout your essay. Consider using transition words to connect your points more effectively.
coherence and cohesion
Well-structured introduction and conclusion that effectively summarize the main points.
task response
Clear presentation of both perspectives with supporting examples.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • homogenization
  • globalization
  • identical
  • positive development
  • negative development
  • accessibility
  • convenience
  • enhanced competition
  • lower prices
  • cultural diversity
  • limited choices
  • individuality
  • balanced approach
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