smart widgets bring significant changes to human daily life, numerous people believe that smartphones or tablets introduce more shortcomings Linking Words
of advantages. Linking Words
essay will discuss the extent to which I disagree with the statement and explain the reason behind it.
To start with, the evolution of digital apparatus is the game changer that makes our lives much easier in different ways, Linking Words
as study, work, and even daily living. Linking Words
, in the application of study, technological widgets provide a wide range of possibilities for students from different levels of educational institutes to create knowledge. Take smartphones as an example, physics students are able to learn and even discover new stars by using a phone Linking Words
that is
connected to an application called Astrotelescope. Linking Words
, art students can create their own artwork by drawing directly on the tablets. Linking Words
, creating knowledge cannot be easier than ever.
In fact, plenty of the population holds another point of view that the advantages outweigh the benefits when using digital devices. Linking Words
For instance
, an obvious situation is that teenagers tend to spend plenty of time gaming or watching videos on mobile apparatus causes unideal performance in work or studies. Linking Words
, I believe it depends on the education and regulation on how the public is told correctly to use the widgets. As a matter of fact, not only citizens can benefit from relationships getting closer, but Linking Words
improve other production or study efficiency. Artificial intelligence combined with devices can provide a better experience in handling paper works and it Linking Words
helps the public save time. In that case, people can be involved in creative production and continuous learning.
In conclusion, technology devices definitely bring more advantages than disadvantages and they improve different fields of our daily lives. Linking Words
, I strongly disagree with the aforementioned statement.Linking Words