You recently bought a camera while travelling overseas. When you got to your destination you discovered that some important items were missing from the box. Write a letter to the local representative of the company. In your letter • give details of the camera and where you bought it • explain what has happened • say what you want him/her to do about it

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing in connection with the
that has just been bought from Safir shop in Oman.
is produced by your company and belongs to A serious.
According to
information on its
and website, these cameras have particular characterisation
Add the comma(s)
, for
show examples
example, two lenses, a place for additional memory and a cover for supporting water. I bought the
I was travelling to Oman but I did not check the
of it at the store. When I
Verb problem
show examples
at the destination and opened the
, I realised that some important items were missing from the
. Unfortunately, I could not find one of the lenses and its supportive cover. To make matters worse, another lens was broken and there were some crashes on the body of the
. to rectify
situation, I recommended that
be replaced with another one. I hope that
matter will be dealt with as soon as possible. Yours faithfully, Mah Kar
Submitted by kargar.mh1992 on

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coherence cohesion
To improve coherence, make sure to use consistent verb tenses throughout your letter. For instance, 'When I received at the destination' should be 'When I arrived at the destination.'
task achievement
Make your request more assertive. Instead of 'I recommended that this camera be replaced,' you could write 'I request that this camera be replaced.' This will help clearly communicate your demand.
task achievement
You provided clear details about the camera, which helps to create a strong context for the problem.
suitable writing tone
The letter maintains a polite and formal tone, which is suitable for the context.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • local representative
  • important items missing
  • purchase details
  • model and brand
  • missing accessories
  • inconvenience
  • use to its full extent
  • urgent request
  • partial refund
  • alternative solution
  • exchange unit
  • correct the issue
  • look forward to your prompt response
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