the table and the charts below give information the police budget for 2017 and 2018 in a one area of britian. the table shows where the money came from and the chart shows how it was distributed

the table and the charts below give information the police budget for 2017 and 2018 in a one area of britian. the table shows where the money came from and the chart shows how it was distributed
The table and pie charts illustrate the
distributions and the percentages of expenditure
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three distinct purposes in the British police sector in 2017 and 2018.
, it is evident that the 2018
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that of 2017, with a rise in the amount of every source.
In addition
, it was spent
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on paying the workers,
the spending on technology was the least in both years. Looking at the table in detail, the total police
rose from 304.7
in 2017 to 318.6
pounds in 2018. Among the three
sources, government funding accounted for more than
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half of the total, followed by local taxes and other sources. Notably, local taxes saw the most dramatic upswing, growing from 91.2
to 102.3
pounds. Shifting our focus to how the money was disbursed, in 2017, 75% of the total expenditure was used for salaries, which dropped to 69% in 2018. The second-highest share was recorded by the buildings and transport category, with 17% in both years. In the case of the technology category, even though its figure ranked at the bottom, it saw a significant surge, almost doubling from 8% in 2017 to 14% in 2018.
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Vocabulary: Replace the words budget, million with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "table" was used 2 times.
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