Some children spend hours everyday in their smartphone. why is this the case? do you think it is a positive or a negative development?

The advancement of technology has contributed greatly to our daily lives,
, smartphones can not be detached from people.
, the phenomenon of youngsters who spend their time using
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every day has been a common occurrence nowadays. From my standpoint,
is a negative development
due to
a surge in allowance, the rise of antisocial behaviour, and an increased case of online crimes. One prominent problem is an increase in allowance given to children by parents.
For instance
, children who use mobile phones frequently will need additional spending on quota, wifi, and maintenance.
is common knowledge that
extra spending will cost a lot, especially if they are addicted to games. Games most of the time are pressuring them to buy certain things to accommodate the playing experience. In the end, parents are burdened to provide extra when it comes to money.
, another issue is youngsters will become isolated from the real world.
In other words
, they will become addicted to smartphones and will always try to be up-to-date with the digital world.
, they will not meet their friends face-to-face and play with them directly. They opt for a more convenient activity through social media.
will increase antisocial behaviour.
, the most fatal downside is an increasing case of digital crimes,
as online sexual harassment, grooming, and cyberbullying. The digital sphere is huge and individuals are able to use fake identities to operate there.
occurrence is massive and foreseeable.
For instance
, a minor who does not know the term "consent" will likely see the act of vulgar words made by an adult through chat as an endearing act.
, they become the victims of paedophiles without knowing they are victims. In conclusion, the activity of using smartphones by children creates a disturbance in society with various drawbacks.
, I believe that
is not a positive development.
Submitted by alyarachmadivaa on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Engrossed
  • Distracted
  • Addictive
  • Digital natives
  • Virtual reality
  • Interactive
  • Online gaming
  • Social media platforms
  • Connectivity
  • Social engagement
  • Information access
  • Learning tools
  • Peer influence
  • Societal pressure
  • Alternative activities
  • Recreational facilities
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