Advertising is a system which is made to give a strong desire for any kind of product. A number of people work carefully on it and investigate exactly how actually our brain works. It is believed that we can not control
process and will buy on impulse over and over again. Linking Words
On the other hand
, other people believe in society's consciousness and that any advertising will not persuade us to do silly things, especially shopping. Linking Words
essay looks at both sides and gives its own opinion.
Linking Words
, let us think of advertising as a tool that conjures our minds, Linking Words
that is
exactly what it is. Nowadays purchasing things in instalments is popular worldwide. We can say our societies mostly are consumers. Humans' only problem is earning money and Linking Words
immediately throwing it around. Things are changed and Linking Words
that is
difficult to control. Advertising is a hunting instrument which makes humankind who does not reflect, to be an easy target and it knows how to do it. We have to be aware of it and should not be manipulated.
Linking Words
, we still believe in ourselves and our knowledge. Other Linking Words
say those who are conscious enough and reflect can not be captured by advertising. It depends on lifestyle. Human beings do not want to achieve anything significant in their lives and mostly live like animals, for them it will be impossible to stop consumerism. Change the wording
That is
exactly what does not make us who we are. Society Linking Words
a choice of who to be and what to do.
Change the verb form
To conclude
, advertising is just a tool that was made to control Linking Words
interests and impact them. Correct article usage
the crowd's
, it is a fact that we were born and given a thing that any other creature possesses. It still remains as consciousness and rationality. Linking Words
That is
exactly why we live the comfortable life that our ancestors provided us.Linking Words