A friend of yours is thinking of going on a camping holiday for the first time this summer. He/She has asked for your advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, explain why you think your friend would enjoy a camping holiday describe some possible disadvantages say whether you would like to go camping with your friend this summer

Dear Jay, I am writing
letter with regard to give a suggestion about the summer camping.
To begin
with, I am pretty sure that you will definitely love tracking in the summer.
, as you mentioned in the
email you are going to Mount Abu for
trip, so you will notice the picturesque lakes and view of mountains throughout the camping route.
, you will get a chance to explore breathtaking flowers and trees , as you are
Change the word
show examples
interested in zoology subject.
, you will have unforgettable memories of
, there are some negative sides to
tracking, which you should keep in mind . First and foremost is the unpredictable weather in that area,
you have to prepare with safety measures.
, try to be in a group, because there are high chances of getting lost in those forest areas. Well, I would love to join you in
summer holiday for camping, but unfortunately, I have an engagement ceremony for my brother
upcoming month. Please let me know if you require any
information. Best regards Partha
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There are some minor grammatical mistakes and awkward phrasing. Try to proofread the letter to catch these small errors.
Consider adding a little more detail about the possible disadvantages of camping to make the response more comprehensive.
writing tone
The tone of the letter is friendly and supportive, making it suitable for writing to a friend.
The letter gives clear and logical reasons why the friend would enjoy camping, creating a nice persuasive element.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • adventure
  • serenity
  • outdoors
  • refreshing
  • hustle and bustle
  • inherent
  • foster
  • distractions
  • cost-effective
  • unpredictable
  • wildlife
  • adequate preparation
  • physical demands
  • researching
  • campsite
  • lasting memories
  • mutual interests
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