It is becoming more and more difficult to escape the influence of the media on our lives. Discuss the pros and cons of living in a media rich society.

The impact of
has never been so profound and influential in human history.
there is a conspicuous bright side to
growing trend, the negative effects are equally prominent. On the one hand, the expansion of
has no doubt brought people closer and helped create online communities that are more inclusive of different individuals.
For instance
, a non-heterosexual person living in an ultra-orthodox region might feel utterly lonely and excluded in real life;
, with the internet, he or she could easily find friends who share their thoughts and pain on multiple forums, which can be beneficial for both the individual and society.
, the
allows organisations and people to publish and promote their innermost ideas, boosting diversity in society and making the voiceless more visible.
On the other hand
, mass
has already caused some severe social conundrums that cannot be neglected. First of all, driven by profits and revenue, news sites and magazines slant their articles heavily on those more eye-catching but mostly negative pieces, leading people to believe effrontery lies and conspiracy theories,
as a million-viewed YouTube video accusing Hilary Clinton of conducting witchcraft and eating children.
, the prevalence of
has ineluctable damage to the mental health of the younger ones.
According to
recent studies, being exposed to unfavourable information has caused over 70% of secondary school students to show signs of severe depression and anxiety.
, since the majority of
is in the hands of the rich and powerful, the most direct result is the manipulation and abuse of news and information. An example of
can be found in most totalitarian nations where free speech is exterminated and news agencies have surrendered: the public is being brainwashed day and night by the distorted
To conclude
, it can be said that the growing size of the
is a double-edged blade that can spontaneously benefit and harm the world.
Submitted by yanjinru0827 on

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