Some people think that the modern communication technology is having a negative effect on social relationships. To what extent do you agree or disagree ?

Some people opine that electronic devices allow individuals to communicate with others,
, it affects negatively social relationships.
writer totally disagrees
due to
the convenience of contact with others becoming easier and remote cooperation.
essay will address the reasons for my views as follows. It should be understood that online interaction might connect the society. To be more particular, tech gadgets provide various communication tools,
as video calls, text-to-speech features, and translation apps, that enhance accessibility and inclusivity for entities with different communication needs. These tools enable folk to communicate effectively, regardless of language barriers or physical limitations.
For example
, many young generations in the digital era have the highest rank in using modern technology to contact others.
, using modern technology to communicate might improve social relationships. It is evident that tech devices enable citizens to collaborate remotely.
is because electronic devices support remote cooperation by allowing human beings to work together on projects, share documents and communicate in
real time
Add a hyphen
show examples
is particularly beneficial for teams that are geographically dispersed or people who work from home, as it fosters collaboration and productivity. Take the Covid-19 pandemic for an example, students and workers had to use modern gadgets to serve their daily lives when there was a ban on going out.
the only way to gather society together and prevent economic recession. In conclusion,
writer suggests that modern communication technology
has a positive effect on social relationships.
, it can connect society and distant collaboration.

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task response
You have successfully responded to the task and presented a clear opinion. However, some of your sentences feel slightly repetitive. Working on varying your sentence structures can help improve clarity and engagement.
coherence cohesion
Your essay follows a logical structure, and the main points are well-supported with relevant examples. However, ensuring smoother transitions between paragraphs would enhance the flow of your essay. You might use more transitional phrases like 'furthermore' or 'moreover'.
task response
You presented a clear and comprehensive response to the task prompt, addressing both aspects of the argument.
task response
The main points in your essay are well-supported with relevant and specific examples, such as the reference to the Covid-19 pandemic.
coherence cohesion
You provided both an introduction and conclusion which effectively frame your essay, reinforcing your stance.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • face-to-face interactions
  • superficial relationships
  • meaningful conversations
  • notifications
  • long-distance relationships
  • online communities
  • social networks
  • social anxiety
  • digital communication
  • real-world interactions
  • over-reliance
  • detrimental effect
  • inhibit
  • deep social connections
  • distract
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