In many countries, more and more people choose to buy imported food raher than food produced locally. Why do people buy imported food? What could be done to encourage people to buy local food.

Around the world, an increasing number of people are opting to purchase imported groceries
of locally produced
is happening
due to
the high standard of foreign
, action could be taken to promote the consumption of local produce by launching more campaigns about local products. It is crucial to acknowledge that people often have a bias in the quality of foreign
. They contend that
kind of
must undergo a variety of strict regulations after being served to consumers.
, they would prioritise that type of
if they saw it being sold. Take some recent research as a pertinent example, where about 50 per cent of individuals intend to buy international
despite the high costs.
, various campaigns should be launched to boost the purchasing of national
. It is essential to recognize that these promotional events are the most likely to highlight the benefits of national products,
is mainly because customers often being attracted by the vibration and amusement of its.
, many positive aspects of
sort of
as freshness and cleanness are marked noticeably. Several articles in Vietnam provide a compelling instance, where some campaigns have numerous effects on local residents and more than half of them are willing to buy more
produced locally. In conclusion, the standard of
has driven residents to spend significant money . Yet, a host of marketing strategies could be initiated to encourage citizens to pay more attention to their local
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task response
While your essay addresses both questions posed in the prompt, a bit more depth and elaboration on each point could strengthen your argument. Consider providing more examples or explaining the concept of 'high standard' in greater detail.
coherence and cohesion
Your essay is generally well-structured, with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. However, there are a few areas where the logical flow could be improved. For instance, transitioning phrases such as 'Moreover,', 'Furthermore,' or 'Additionally,' could better link your points.
coherence and cohesion
Some of your sentences are framed in a slightly awkward manner. Try revising sentences to enhance clarity. For example, the phrase 'customers often being attracted by the vibration and amusement of its' could be more clearly stated.
introduction and conclusion
Your introduction and conclusion are both clear and summarize the main points effectively.
relevant specific examples
You provided a specific example from Vietnam and research data to support your points, which strengthens your arguments.
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