Whether or not someone achieve their aims is mostly by a question of luck. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In contemporary society, the question of whether luck is the most crucial element contributing to a person's
or not has sparked controversy among scholars and
I accept that fortune does play an important role in helping people reach their objectives, it is argued that hard work and determination are much more critical factors leading to the achievement of an individual. On the one hand, I agree that fortuity can be a significant factor.
To begin
with, some citizens are fortunate enough to be born into affluent families, which allows them to receive a better education or to establish their own businesses without requiring financial assistance.
As a result
, these
typically enjoy better opportunities to succeed than those coming from less privileged backgrounds.
, some
are lucky to be given great talents which others do not have.
For example
, Mozart demonstrated exceptional musical abilities at an early age, and Lionel Messi already had great football skills when he was born.
, I would argue that
luck can be necessary, it is not the most crucial factor leading to
, inhabitants need to work really hard and put a great deal of effort into their professions if they want to be successful.
For instance
, before becoming one of the premier football players in the world, Cristiano Ronaldo devoted countless hours to rigorous daily training for many years.
, a person is less likely to reach his targets if he does not have determination. Along the path to
, there are likely to be many obstacles, and people need to keep moving forward to overcome these challenges. In conclusion,
acknowledging the role of luck to a certain extent in facilitating
, I firmly maintain that hard work and unwavering determination are pivotal. These qualities empower
to transform aspirations into tangible achievements, irrespective of [regardless of] initial circumstances or fortuitous advantages.
Submitted by [email protected] on

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Ensure to consistently use appropriate vocabulary and avoid minor errors like 'irrespective of' instead of 'regardless of' towards the end of the essay.
coherence cohesion
Maintain the strong development of ideas throughout the paragraphs, ensuring each point logically follows from the last.
task achievement
Continue to provide relevant and specific examples as seen with Mozart and Cristiano Ronaldo to underscore your points effectively.
The essay is well-structured with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
content strength
The points are well-developed and supported with specific examples, making the argument compelling.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • diligence
  • consistent effort
  • inherent talent
  • honing skills
  • external factors
  • upbringing
  • social connections
  • economic background
  • right place at the right time
  • contributing factor
  • conjunction
  • success
  • achievements
  • endeavors
  • fortune
  • serendipity
  • determinants
  • efficacy
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