Experts say if the old people spend time and get along with others and exercise everyday will be healthier and happier. However, many elderlies are suffering from loneliness and lack of fitness. Discuss the cause and solution.

In recent days, many seniors have undergone a sense of isolation and do not work out adequately.
According to
experts, elderly
should live harmoniously in neighbourhoods and
on a daily basis to avoid the degradation of both mental and physical
there are several causes of
alarming trend, measures could certainly be taken to tackle the problems.
To begin
with, the main reason why the old
shape themselves into a sedentary life is related to a lack of motivation.
is because they tend to have a feeling of fatigue, and fear of unexpected injuries when doing
to improve
. Another reason is that some elderly individuals are often forbidden or discouraged from working out regularly.
For example
, many adults have a tendency to deter their parents from participating in some slight sports to avoid serious injuries and incidents.
, senior citizens with bad
conditions like easily having heart attacks and spinal pain are hardly able to join in both extreme and light activities.
As a consequence
, they do not have opportunities to make friends and enhance their
, there are a variety of solutions
can apply to solve these drawbacks.
, older humans should concentrate on a sustainable
of working out based on mood. In fact, they can take part in some slight activities like walking, or even swimming and rope skipping for a short
, if they persist in doing these activities day by day, their mental and physical
can be improved, making their life happier and more comfortable.
, senior
should be encouraged to socialize with others by attending some
As a result
, they can emerge themselves out of isolated life, and restrict some mental problems
as depression or stress. In conclusion, there are many evident reasons why most elderly individuals set up an inactive lifestyle, including the lack of incentive and fear of being injured. To tackle these problems, old citizens should be encouraged to immerse themselves in society more and encouraged to create
Submitted by phamnhung275 on

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Your essay addresses the task well by discussing both causes and solutions. However, providing more specific examples or evidence could strengthen your arguments.
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While your essay is well-structured with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion, paying more attention to the transition between ideas and paragraphs can enhance the coherence.
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The introduction clearly sets the stage by stating the issue and what will be discussed in the essay.
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The conclusion effectively summarizes the main points and offers a concise solution to the problems discussed.
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Logical structure is maintained throughout, with clear segmentation into causes and solutions.
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You have some good points about the reasons why elderly people might lead a sedentary lifestyle.
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