Living in a country where you have to speak a foreighn language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, a lot of foreigners live in different countries to earn money or develop academic knowledge,
as exchange students and immigrant workers. In my opinion, living in an unfamiliar country without knowing the native language often presents several threats and challenging situations, making it hard to endure.
essay will discuss some of these challenges.
, when it comes to studying abroad in a non-native country, you can easily encounter misunderstandings from teachers and peers. It is hard for those who are from different countries with immature language skills to follow the pace of the class and to integrate into social circles.
For example
, when collaborating with classmates on any tasks in the classroom, it may be hard to share your opinions and participate actively.
As a result
, a lack of verbal skills exerts an extremely negative influence on a student’s academic development.
, it is difficult to seek a job
due to
the limitation of speaking ability. Those who find an occupation in an unfamiliar country are often exposed to challenging moments during the interview.
is because they find it hard to demonstrate their working experiences and abilities, and often seem to be enthusiastic applicants. If they get a job, they will undergo a tough period in their new job.
For example
, insufficient communication skills can disturb the active atmosphere at the company and lead to decreased productivity, causing them to feel isolated and depressed. In conclusion, communication difficulties significantly limit both educational and career achievements for individuals who live abroad. These problems often lead to feelings of loneliness and frustration.
Submitted by dksrlgus1017 on

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Your essay clearly addresses the topic and provides a complete response. However, try to include more specific examples or personal anecdotes to strengthen your arguments even further.
coherence cohesion
The logical structure of your essay is strong, but ensure each paragraph has a clear point and sticks to it. Occasionally, your points in paragraphs seem to overlap slightly, which can be minimized with more distinct topic sentences.
coherence cohesion
You have a clear introduction and conclusion, which helps to frame your argument well. However, the conclusion could be lengthened slightly to reinforce your main points and leave a lasting impression.
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Your response is comprehensive and directly tackles the question. This demonstrates a good understanding of the topic and ensures a high score for task achievement.
coherence cohesion
The logical structure of your essay is effective, making it easy for the reader to follow your argument. Each paragraph flows naturally into the next.
supporting points
You have clear introductions and conclusions, and your main points are mostly well-supported. These elements contribute to a strong, cohesive essay.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Language barrier
  • Miscommunication
  • Isolation
  • Cultural differences
  • Social norms
  • Essential services
  • Employment challenges
  • Social integration
  • Community events
  • Support systems
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