Living in a country where you have to speak a foreighn language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The growing trend of globalization has made it more common for
to stay in foreign nations where they need to use different tongues.
say it can cause several problems both in society and in practical life, I partially agree with
, for there would be some misunderstanding, causing a sense of distrust among the natives regardless of the fact that the interaction across borders encourages social development. On the one hand, living overseas will cause serious problems as it promotes a sense of disrespect between
of different nationalities.
In other words
, insufficient understanding of the native language is more likely to cause conflicts as foreigners are not able to express their feelings and opinions well in daily life.
leads to their isolation, which can expand their gaps with the local
, who start to feel suspicious about them.
As a result
, a sense of distrust and even hostility toward foreigners will arise in the communities, where they often suffer from racial crimes and are called in a discriminatory way.
is well illustrated by the example of white police killing more innocent black
, especially in the area in the United States where their population is relatively higher.
On the other hand
, the settlement of
from international countries sometimes promotes a deeper understanding of other cultures. Indeed, many foreigners seem to have a satisfactory life as they are often welcomed warmly by the local residents.
For instance
, there are even international festivals and parties where they provide various unique dishes from their home countries so they can establish an intimate relationship with the natives. In fact, I once participated in an event when I went to North Carolina, where I was able to extend my relationships as I enjoyed communicating with them and talking about Japanese food and cultures. In conclusion, I somewhat agree that foreign immigrants will sometimes have a harsh experience, not being able to communicate smoothly with the locals, which makes them the target of racial discrimination.
, they can establish a peaceful relationship as they are often accepted by the native
through various opportunities to introduce their own cultures.
Submitted by mizuho on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Language barrier
  • Miscommunication
  • Isolation
  • Cultural differences
  • Social norms
  • Essential services
  • Employment challenges
  • Social integration
  • Community events
  • Support systems
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