Some people think young people should be required to have full time education until they are at least 18 years old. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many people believe that teenagers must continue full-
until they become 18 years old. I agree with
statement because they are going to become the backbone of the nation. Under 18 they are not mature enough to make independent decisions about their career.
essay will discuss why full-
education is important before they become adults.
, the main reason is that education opens better career doors for everyone and student have more opportunities to go for higher studies
due to
their age.
For example
, if a student wants to become a doctor or an engineer , he has to complete year 12 and
, he can join these courses, if he does not complete full-
he may not get admission in these types of professions. Another factor is that less than 18, students are not mature enough and it becomes very difficult to make the right decisions about their future.
As a result
, students must
until they pass year 12 from
Correct article usage
show examples
school, so they can choose higher studies.
, full-
always keeps students in a flow and up-to-date with their courses in any case if they start part-
and start earning money, they will be attracted towards bad habits because they have money but do not have an understanding of the management of their finances. Another factor is that part-
or unfinished
before 18, they may not be able to rejoin
due to
the out of touch and need more revisions to catch up.
For example
, sometimes teenagers who are less than 18 are involved in crimes, that recently happened in Australia a teenager was misguided by bad people and stabbed a priest in the church. In conclusion, for a country's growth and social behaviour, people must complete their studies before they turn 18 because no one knows if any student will become an officer or politician.
, they can contribute to the nation's economy.
Submitted by rbtech65 on

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coherence cohesion
Try to avoid repetitive language and redundancy. For instance, using 'full-time time' is not correct and should be corrected to 'full-time education'. This will improve the clarity of your ideas.
coherence cohesion
Provide a clearer structure with distinct paragraphs for each point. This makes it easier for the reader to follow your argument.
task achievement
Use more varied and complex sentence structures to demonstrate higher proficiency. This can also help to avoid the repetition of simple sentence patterns.
task achievement
Ensure your examples are directly relevant to the points being made. For example, the example about a teenager involved in crime could be more directly related to the point about the importance of full-time education.
task achievement
You presented a clear opinion and maintained it throughout the essay, which is crucial for a task response.
coherence cohesion
The essay includes an introduction and a conclusion, which provides a clear structure to your piece.
task achievement
You provided specific examples to support your points. This enriches your argument and shows practical implications.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • fundamental cornerstone
  • literacy and numeracy
  • social inequalities
  • foundation of knowledge
  • social mobility
  • informed and engaged citizenry
  • democratic processes
  • youth crime rates
  • productive activities
  • vocational training
  • workforce
  • stifling individual talent
  • economic contribution
  • stress and mental health issues
  • unsuitable educational system
  • one-size-fits-all approach
  • diverse talents
  • career paths
  • formal academic education
  • financial strains
  • low-income countries
  • improving quality of education
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