Some people say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things. Other s think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it. Discuss both views and give your own oipinion.

These days, advertising has become increasingly pervasive in our daily lives.
some argue that advertising is successful at persuading us to buy things, others claim that we are no longer paying attention to it. In my opinion, advertisements are not as effective at influencing our purchasing decisions as they once were. Proponents of the effectiveness of advertising argue that it wields significant persuasive power over
. Advertisements employ various techniques
as emotional appeals, celebrity endorsements, and catchy slogans to capture our attention and shape our perceptions of products or services.
For instance
, consider a television commercial that portrays a glamorous celebrity using a particular beauty product, leading
to associate the product with desirability and success.
, advertising leverages psychological principles
as social proof and scarcity to create a sense of urgency and entice
to make immediate purchasing decisions.
On the other hand
, the sheer volume of advertising that we are exposed to on a daily basis has led to a phenomenon known as "advertising fatigue".
are inundated with so many
, that they have developed the ability to tune them out.
According to
a study conducted by Hubspot, over 90% of online
are ignored, and the majority of
skip or ignore TV
. With so many
bombarding us constantly, it's no surprise that we have become desensitized to them.
today are more sceptical of advertising claims than ever before. With the rise of social media, we are constantly bombarded with messages from
and companies trying to sell us something.
As a result
have become savvier about marketing tactics and are more likely to research products before making a purchase.
, the rise of fake news and disinformation has made
warier about advertisers and their claims. In conclusion,
advertising was once an effective way to influence
, the current climate of constant
has led to a phenomenon of advertising fatigue.
today are more likely to be sceptical of marketing claims and are more likely to research products before making a purchase.
, in my opinion, advertisements are not as effective at persuading us to buy things as they once were.
Submitted by hachuhachuha on

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task achievement
Your introduction is clear and presents the topic effectively, providing a balanced view of both perspectives. This sets up the essay well for discussing each view and giving your opinion.
task achievement
Ensure to give specific examples in both perspectives to strengthen your arguments. While you have mentioned the Hubspot study effectively, an additional example for the persuasive power of advertising could be beneficial.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a logical structure and flows well from one point to another. The paragraphs are well-organized and use transition phrases effectively, aiding coherence.
coherence cohesion
Continue using clear and appropriate transition phrases to guide the reader through your arguments. This enhances the overall readability and coherence of your essay.
task achievement
The introduction is strong and clearly outlines both sides of the argument, making it easy for the reader to follow the subsequent discussion.
task achievement
You have effectively used a relevant study to support your point about advertising fatigue, which adds credibility to your argument.
coherence cohesion
The essay is well-structured with clear transitions between paragraphs, which helps maintain a logical flow of ideas.
coherence cohesion
Your conclusion effectively summarizes the main points of the essay and provides a clear statement of your opinion, reinforcing the arguments made.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • consumer behavior
  • emotional appeals
  • endorsements
  • targeted messaging
  • data analytics
  • social media
  • personalize
  • effectiveness
  • psychological principles
  • scarcity effect
  • social proof
  • reciprocity
  • ubiquity
  • ad fatigue
  • desensitized
  • ad-blockers
  • overexposure
  • skeptical
  • authenticity
  • motive
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