Young people who commit crimes should be treated in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is believed that young individuals who commit crimes should be equally treated the same way as
. I totally disagree with
statement and justifications are given below. The youngsters are extremely vulnerable and have a low maturity level.
In other words
, they have limited knowledge or awareness to realize the impact and consequences of bad things.
Due to
and in the influence and pressure of anyone, these pupils commit crimes. As per the past 3 years' records in various parts of the world,
juveniles are being used for crime-related activities by showing a small financial benefit.
As a result
, they were inspired and agreed to do any illegal activities. Since they are not fully conversant with law and order,
, they can not be considered equal for punishment as
For instance
, many European countries have a legal clause that under 18 years of age, if anyone commits a crime should not be punished the same as
, rather he should be sent to a rehabilitation centre.
In addition
, It is
obvious that if these young folks are considered for strict punishment,
their whole life will vanish. They will not get any chance to be a good person in life,
, they will impact significantly our society and communities. It is certainly true that youngsters are the foundation and future role models of any country, So, their roles are vital to sustaining and growing the nation's economy and growth.
, they should be given the opportunities by putting the punishment standard lower compared to
For example
, recently India has amended the law article and given relaxation to young people for crime commitment based on the severity of the crime with respect to adult law. In conclusion, Since the young generation is the solid foundation and strong pillar of any country, henceforth, they should not be equally treated as
they commit crimes.
Submitted by ahv on

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