Some people think painting and drawings are important as other subjects. They should be compulsory in high school education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some individuals opine that
and craft are equally important as other
are. It should be mandatory in primary
. I strongly agree with
tendency to overcome its extinction and spread its values. To commence with the disagreement, the world is realistic. To elaborate, there are other fields
as science and math, which are the most difficult
and will give impressive output. Even though the syllabus of those
is quite wide, it can not be ignored and a student can not easily cover the material in a single class.
, painting and drawing classes will distract the learners from their focus. Moving forward to the agreement,
, the era of
and craft is going to extinct day by day. To explain
, people indulge in making their future by choosing important
. The future in drawing can possibly not take a person to the bright side.
For instance
, in ancient times,
could be easily found everywhere, whether it was wall paintings or crafts on household appliances. Nowadays, it is only available to decorate the house in the form of hanging paintings on the wall.
, people lose their importance. To overcome the situation, it should be compulsory in high schools so that the new generation can know the significance of their hidden talent.
strengthening the view, is
the first step in rudimentary
In other words
, offsprings when starting their learning and writing procedure, drawing is usually the first step. Schools should keep it in the higher classes, so that, it can be spread and toddlers will get to know its features and pursue it in their career.
For example
, most of the painters completed their
in public
of completing them in private schools, where they only focused on the science and math fields.
To conclude
, it can not be ignored, that other fields of study have more importance as compared to
. But to put in practice,
should be required for early children, so that, they can learn and its presence and spread it to generations.
Submitted by harpreet291kaur on

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task achievement
The essay should specifically address the prompt about high school education rather than primary education.
coherence cohesion
Transitions between ideas can be improved to enhance the flow of the essay.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear introduction and conclusion.
task achievement
The essay provides reasons and examples to support the main points.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • artistic expression
  • communication
  • self-expression
  • creativity
  • critical thinking skills
  • cultural appreciation
  • understanding
  • therapeutic benefits
  • mental well-being
  • career opportunities
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