Some people think that educating people about the problems of eating too much fast food has no effect and that other measures should be taken to tackle this issue. What is your opinion?

Some might say that teaching
the problems that come from consuming too much fast
does not have any effect whatsoever towards reducing the percentages. Others think that
is not a pressing issue and do not see any fatal flaw with the current methods of countermeasures.
, I must say that I agree with the former statement. In modern-day society, lots of consumers flock around fast
chains, and it is very hard to separate them from one another.
is true to a certain degree
due to
various factors. One of the main contributing determinants is the fact that fast
chains have been sprouting and spreading like fungus all over the world. Almost every street corner has at least one or two fast-
restaurants. Not only that, but it is
—as the name suggests—very fast and convenient for
as opposed to traditional restaurants. To resolve
problem, orthodox methods of education might not be enough, leading
to take drastic measures to repress
matter. The high number of obesity cases can attest to that statement. Despite that, many individuals believe the same-old technique of education is fine and dandy in solving
matter. Yet, they fail to assess the magnitude of
situation. Education might have succeeded a few years back,
, to keep up with the times, we need to constantly renew and improve our tactics.
For instance
, we could put up higher taxes for fast
chains whilst lowering the cost of organic products, to make it more accessible and to encourage consumers to eat healthier. In conclusion, I still stand by the statement that
measures must be taken to tackle
problem so that
may improve their health and
Submitted by novendyevan122 on

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