IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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To present as a group, the requirement of uniforms is applied in many workplaces. Because unified clothes are symbolized the core thinking of the companies, lots of Asian employers regulate their staff to follow them. It
Companies and organisations are forced to their employees, to wear uniform of their company, which is the symbol of identity. To what extent, it is important for employer and employee, is a most debatable topic around th
So many companies make their stuffs wear a similar cloth, to be united. But a portion of people believes that it has unwanted effects on their freedom. It is hard to tell which aspect is accurate. But frankly, making peo
Many of the multinational corporate opt to follow the specific dress code for their employees. People working in factories, experts from the medical field, engineers and technicians are some of the categories who find sp
Companies and organisations are forced to their employees to wear homogeneous of their company which is the symbol of identity. To what extent it is important for employer and employee is a most debatable topic around th
Many jobs today and in the past have required their employees to wear uniforms. This is especially true for jobs that must be recognisable and its greatest drawback relates to resentment.
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