In the salad days of millenium, plethora of amenities are available in today's world about products. Nowadays we can buy any thing from any where .As well as I think that it can be have some negative points in compared
Nowadays, due to the availability of similar goods all over the world, most nations are looking alike. In my opinion, it is an adverse development as it leads to a rise in carbon emission and the destruction of various c
In modern times, individuals are able to puchase the same items across the globe and this is resulting in countries becoming similair to each other. This is a positive development as it aids in migration and production o
Globalization is inevitable these days. The boundary of countries is disappearing so customers can easily purchase foreign produces in their own countries. Although this trend could be detrimental to some local brands' d
As a consequence of globalization, nations have more chances to trade/interact with each other, and have minimal differences. I think, although it is a valubale change, but we must acknowledge the impact it will have on