IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, there is a trend that many people are more curious to search about the past stories, which laid behind the house or building they dwell. There are many reasons that come behind it. Moreover, people can search
An increasing number of inhabitants are fascinated by the idea to look for the historical events of their current residential areas.This essay will discuss the main reason behind the issue and provide effective ideas to
In many nations, where people who buy built houses, are eager to know more about the evolution of these architectural creations since history repeats over time, and they find related information through involving eld
In many nations, people have an increasing fascination with learning about the background of their place of residence. This essay discusses some of the motives for this as well as how people can unearth this kind of info
In many nations, a large number of people are keen to explore the historic information of the accommodation they reside in. This could be because people may think as much as it is necessary to know about your neighbourho
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