IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the current era, with the startling pace of urbanization and modernization, new-built architectures spring off every day. Attitudes towards whether aged buildings should be refurbilshed or not vary from person to pers
Public buildings such as libraries and museums play a vital role in a community's cultural and intellectual development. As a result, local governments should invest in their upkeep to ensure they remain functional and a
Several men and women reckon that authorities should utilize monetary resources to create new ventures like library and museum instead of reconstructing the existing buildings. I completely agree to the above statement b
There is no doubt these days, numerous buildings constructed over the world. The question is, it is the government should consume the financial budget to build new construction more than spend it to redevelop ancient bui
Nowadays, there are numerous buildings constructed all over the world so authorities should be spent a huge amount of money on new buildings such as the library and museum instead of renovating old buildings. This essay
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