IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Air pollution is one of the most important issues in this decade, and the assertion that the government should ban cars from city centers is unreasonable. I am afraid I have to disagree because we have alternative soluti
The assertion that fossil fuel vehicles ought to be banned from downtown areas as a means to mitigate air pollution is met with dissent in this essay. I contend that there exist alternative strategies to curtail the alar
There is a dramatic growth in the number of people having their own private vehicles. Due to the increased wages, economic prosperity and depletion in car prices, people are more likely to afford vehicles but it has le
These days, pollution has become a major issue in the world and the most significant contribution of the transportation system includes owning vehicles. Owning a vehicle has several benefits but has disadvantages as well
The fact is undeniable that private means of transportation like cars made human lives much easier than before. However,Some people have an opinion that personal automobiles shoud be restructed from urban environment as
As pollution has harmed our environment, it is essential for people to find a way to measure this issue. Some people argue that one method to do it is by banning car usage from city centres. In some conditions, I agree w
The debate on whether cars should be banned from city centres to reduce pollution is a complex one. On one hand, banning cars can significantly reduce emissions and improve air quality, making city centres more pedestria
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