IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In recent times, many people assert that it is quite imperative to select friends on the basis of similar opinion as ours. Others; however disagree, and believe that there should be difference of opinion between friends.
Choosing a friend and maintaining that friendship is crucial for staying mentally healthy. Some people believe that partner should accord with them on every single topic, while others view disagreement as beneficial and
There is no doubt that companions play a vital role on an individual lifestyle. While many people believe that it is necessary to make friendship with those who have a similar point of view. Others argue that it is essen
Having an amazing friends circle is very much essential in everyone's life. Some individuals have the opinion that it is good to be with those people whose opinions always match with theirs. However, remaining have the n
Although some individuals believe that it is good to choose colleagues who have the same views as them, others think that friends who sometimes do not agree are better. In my opinion, I think friends who sometimes have o
It is often argued by some that our colleagues should have similar thinking as we think. However, others believe that it is far better to choose friends who dare to interrupt your process of thinking. I think we ought to
Some people opine that it is better to make friends with people who share their likes and interests. Others opine that it is nice to have a friend who sometimes opposes their views. In my opinion, having friends who dis
Friends are an integral part of our life. According to one school of thought, friends that have similar views about different things should be selected while others say, mates that can disagree at times should be chosen.
It is unquestionable fact that friendship is the greatest relationship among other relations. A school of thought is of the opinion that it is better to make friends with the same nature, whereas others refute it and bel
It is unquestionable fact that friendship is one of the great relationships among other relations. A school of thought is of the opinion that it is better to make friends with the same nature, where as others refute it a
People believe's that, we need to select the friends based on the same thinking as we do. Others believe that it should be quite opposite. Well, I completely disagree with the aforementioned statement. This essay will di
Friends unquestionably play a crucial role in one’s life. Although some people are of the view that it is good to select friends who do not show the difference of opinion, in my view, it is better to have friends who can
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