IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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When considering the importance of history, some claim that there is no benefit to learning the subject because it has no application in modern society. It is my opinion that history must be carefully studied and thoroug
Nowadays, people are more interested in history. Many people assert that history has little value in the contemporary sense. This is a very contradictory situation. Some believe that history is necessary for learning, bu
In this cutting-edge era, a handful of individuals opine that history has no value in this modern world;however ,others think that history plays an indispensable role in order to learn about the past which is why we stil
History plays a vital role to learn things from the past. It is a great source to learn things. Some pupils argue that history has no value meanwhile some others think that it is a necessary thing to learn from our past.
It is often argued that life in the past is not essential to the way we live in the world today, while others believe that history is vital and beneficial to our existence today. In my opinion, I believe that we still ne
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