many students find it difficult to concentrate at school. what are the reasons? What could be done

There is a growing concern over the fact that a great number of students have difficulty in staying focused during class. Various factors can be attributed to the increasing popularity of
trend, and several solutions must be applied to
bring to an end; settle conclusively
acute emergent problem.
To begin
with, lack of concentration during school hours can be attributable to two principal reasons.
and foremost,
the digital
attraction has always been a compelling culprit, sparking much of students' interest. Since most students possess digital devices which include the Internet access, they are able to use them with the aim of being absorbed in schooling-unrelated activities,
performing or able to perform its regular function
as texting or playing games. The overuse of electronic devices would
would prevent students from comprehending the teacher' s instruction.
, the background roar level generated in classrooms
remarkably contributed to the deterioration of students' attention. The
, which may come from the outsides building construction or reverberation, has soared the
level in the classroom.
, students are not capable of listening to the teachers' voice attentively, which acts as a deterrent to students' academic performances. Still, steps must be taken to overcome
thorny problem.
, banning the use of state- of - the- art technology during classes may enable students to be focused and study more adequately at school. In others words
Accept space
weren't they be directed to check their smartphones continuously, students would be able to pay more attention to the lessons.
In addition
, constructive improvement in classes should be applied to mitigate to background cacophony. By installing sound insulation materials
as reducing glass, it enables to restrain the outside
from approaching to class,
, create a peaceful learning environment for students. In conclusion, the use of electronic devices and extreme
level are 2 principle factors leading to the lack of concentration among students.
, the aforementioned measures should be adopted to address the modern-day problem.
Submitted by thanhthaohoangnguyen on

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Linking words for giving examples:

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  • for instance
  • to illustrate this
  • to give a clear example
  • such as
  • namely
  • to illustrate
  • take, for example

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