Overpopulation in urban areas, has become a serious problem. They have led to many consequences.
essay will discuss the reasons for Linking Words
problem and put forward solutions that the government and the individuals, should take to handle these critical situations.
Quite a lot of people, prefer moving to the urban areas for the sake of own well-being. Due to Linking Words
, many industries started to find an appropriate place, so that it would attract all the people coming for jobs. As, many people started to move, the population in the urban places, grew at a dramatic rate, whereas there was a huge decline in the number of trees. Linking Words
, Linking Words
seems to be the major reason why there is a reduction in rainfall, in the cities. The ruling body can likely introduce separate places for the residents and all those industries. As, an illustration in the United States of America, the industries have been isolated from residential places which reduces the amount of smoke, pollution, as they are affecting the trees, that has caused a reduction in the amount of rain. Linking Words
On the other hand
, the heat of the earth Linking Words
started to rise, by coining a term Global Warming.
Linking Words
, rural areas have a lot of agricultural land, even the urban cities tend to have a half of them. But to manage the increasing growth of people, all those lands have to be demolished and constructed into apartments. Each and every individual, is more likely to have own vehicle and make their area over crowded. By doing so, there is an increase in the number of vehicles on the road, as the preference of the public transport has dropped, Linking Words
Linking Words
raises the traffic rate. As, the traffic rate grows, Linking Words
leads to congestion in the road, which Linking Words
scales up the accident rates. Even after the accident takes place, there is no ambulance arriving at the right time, Linking Words
is Linking Words
due to Linking Words
situation. As, an illustration, when my neighbour wanted to attend a reception in Nungambakkam, he got stuck in the hectic traffic, which left him in vain and out of anger he returned without attending the reception. The government can introduce the lane systems, Linking Words
that is
being followed in the rest of the Linking Words
, there is a separate lane for each and every vehicle, including heavy vehicle to the ambulance.
In conclusion, overpopulation has created a lot of problems, ranging from the reduction of rainfall Suggestion
accidents. The government should introduce many policies to overcome all Suggestion
, and they should Linking Words
get proper support from the individuals.Linking Words