The way people interact each other has changed significantly in recent years. People used to have an intimate relationship with their neighbours in the past,
, it is becoming uncommon to socialise with them. Linking Words
essay will aim to discuss the causes of the above mentioned issues and provide possible solutions.
One of the reasons of Linking Words
phenomenon can be correlated to changes in lifestyle. People had more time to spend on socialising with neighbours, supporting each other in case of an emergency. Linking Words
For example
, people used to borrow ingredients from neighbours if they do not have enough to prepare a meal, or look after neighbours' children when one requires an assistance. Linking Words
, Linking Words
practice has been changed due to increased working hours and abundance of materials in modern society. People prefer to solve their own issues, rather than relying on neighbours, and avoid social interaction so that they can recover from stressful work. Linking Words
, the modern lifestyle changed the pattern of socialisation among neighbours.
Linking Words
people need less assistance from their neighbours owing to the abundance of goods, it is important to maintain a relationship to create a safe and friendly environment. To achieve Linking Words
, some events should be organised so that local people can gather and get to know each other. Linking Words
For example
, there are a few festivals across the year in my local community, which community members plan and carry out together. Within Linking Words
process, local residents have an opportunity to interact with neighbours and an intimate relationship is promoted. While there are a variety of ways to solve Linking Words
issue, organising local events is one of the ways to promote socialisation among neighbours.
In conclusion, the level of social interaction has been decreased due to the busy lifestyle and people requiring less aid from others in Linking Words
modern society. Linking Words
, a safe community environment requires some extent of relationships among local residents, and organising some social events is one way of solving Linking Words
issue.Linking Words