Some people believe that teaching children at home is best for a child's development while others think it is important for children to go to school. Discuss the advantages of both methods and give your opinion.

The training of children at
is debatable.
, some people believe that it is the most effective for the development of a child. Other people believe that education at
environment is the best, which I agree.
essay will discuss both aspects in detail and provide evidence as to why learning in a
is more important. On the one hand, training children at
helps to facilitate the improvement of morals Young ones that are trained at
tend to possess better views of life and act
. Children become more contented and selfless through the help of the knowledge instilled at
For example
, these young ones who learn from
environment are able to uphold the ethics, good values and heritage of their culture. In short, the society becomes much safer to live in because children who grow into adulthood in the communities are morally upright.
On the other hand
, learning within a
environment aid the advancement of the intelligence quotient of pupils. Children who are trained in a
are exposed to local and foreign information that challenge their mentality.
children become better positioned to compete with their colleagues in the future, in the job market.
For example
, a child who has studied at a
is better informed to undertake a professional task within a company. The skills are sought by employers, and the best of candidates is employed.
, children who study in schools become more brilliant and stand better chances of being competitive in the labour market. In conclusion, learning at
is more important for the development of children than learning at
. It improves their intelligence quotient in order to be more competitive in the labour market.
Submitted by oluwaseunagatha11 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Tailored learning
  • peer pressure
  • flexibility
  • instill values
  • socialization
  • communication skills
  • specialized facilities
  • extracurricular activities
  • diversity
  • structured environment
  • customized education
  • well-rounded education
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