Formal examinations are the only effective way to assess a student's performance. Continual assessment such as course work and projects is not a satisfactory way to do this. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Evaluation of pupils by official exams is the best method, but other methods as oral, assignment and projects are not sufficient to estimation. I slightly agree with
because other methods are as necessary as traditional one. On one side, the official exams
as final and midterm tests are a logical way to measure the level of each student whether in schools or universities.
conventional final exam used to determine who of students will success and pass to the
level of education or who will fail and repeat the level again.
For instance
, when I was in the faculty students who get less than 60 % fail, higher than 60% pass, from 60% to 75% are good, from 75% to 85% are very good and over 85% are excellent.
manner is essential, but not only enough, other methods should be taken into consideration as will illustrate in the
paragraph. On the other side, I believe that the others techniques including frequently quizzes, assignments, oral exams, projects, researches and seminars are
significant manner to continuously evaluate the pupils.
system motives and helps students to be daily studies, revision, update their lessons.
, it motives them to improve and increase their rates.
For example
in faculty these other methods have around 40% of all degrees, so that every pupil can be able to
raise the level or amount of something
his degree by doing reports and homeworks. In conclusion, I somewhat agree with that conventional tests are more efficient than others assessments methods.
is because both sides should take fully into account together, and no one is
less importance
less important
than other.
, each applicant should be keen both directions to get a high score.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • controlled environment
  • academic ability
  • creativity
  • critical thinking
  • practical skills
  • holistic approach
  • high-stakes exam
  • rote learning
  • deeper understanding
  • plagiarism
  • standardized measure
  • consistency
  • fairness
  • track progress
  • feedback
  • equitable approach
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