These days, modern people are suffering from the overpopulation and its consequences. In
regard, many people are willing to solve these problems as soon as possible. Linking Words
, urbanization processes are leading to create numerous problems Linking Words
as lack of the drinking water, shortage of energy resources and transportation. Linking Words
, these challenges can be solved by the authorities, if they work efficiently and productively.
On the one hand, it is true that one of the main problem which is created by the overcrowding is pollution, and these can lead to the other challenges Linking Words
as global warming, climate change and melting ice. Linking Words
As a result
, there are very dangerous for the surrounding world. Linking Words
, overcrowding can create the shortage of natural resources Linking Words
as water, gas and oil for the urban dwellers as well as for the suburban dwellers. To illustrate, many individuals are suffering from the shortage of natural gas in Astana.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, it is clear that the government can alleviate these challenges. They can develop city amenities and facilities in the suburban regions in order to emigrate the people. Linking Words
, they can give special grants for the citizens who are willing to live in rural areas. TO illustrate, many cities in China, has these kinds of government programs. Linking Words
As a result
, they can solve many issues in the city. Linking Words
In addition
, individuals can move to Linking Words
kinds of areas, if they are willing to help to another town dwellers.
In conclusion, Linking Words
many people are reckoned to think that the authorities should take the responsibility for Linking Words
tendency, others feel that each individual should take care of the surrounding world. Linking Words
In addition
, the government fund can alleviate the situation.Linking Words